Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Bachelor - Real Talk.

Once upon a time there lived a man who loved to manipulate the feelings and emotions of people in small groups on international television.
His name was Mike Fleiss.
When Mike first generated this idea, he thought to himself: "what's the best way to manipulate the feelings and emotions of people in small groups on international television?"
The answer: The Bachelor.
Let's take a group of plastic, fame-hungry bimbos and an arrogant, self-absorbed Ken doll, give the chicks some knives, hotel rooms and lots of make-up and see who survives to claim their hunk.
That's pretty much the same way some wild animals do it, isn't it?
It's probably just jealousy. Last time I had any girls at all fight over me was 3 years ago in a world that doesn't exist. It's just so fantastically phony - guys like that don't exist. What you see on television is just an act. And girls like that...well...okay, those bitches exist.
It's just this type of affection and love is...forced. I don't believe any degree of sustainable love or emotion can be created in such an environment. "Here bitches! Love this dude or you lose!"
Now, if there were a show that showed REAL LIFE love happening between REAL LIFE people...TRUE love stories...then I think I may be compelled to pay attention.
Every relationship present, past or future, has a unique opening story. Whenever any unforced relationship is beginning, it's always good times! Both the dude and the chick are excited, there's always new things to do, new experiences and the honeymoon sex. Those first couple of months where all you do is bang on the bed, on the floor, in the kitchen, on the couch, in your roommates' bed...whatever.
But right when it's JUST beginning, those first couple of dates where the guy is trying so hard to impress the girl and the girl is trying so hard to ignore him. Those would be good to watch. The Bachelor just seems so contrived and almost scripted. It's like watching Days of our Lives but there's only one dude left on the planet.
Sorry folks. I don't fuckin' buy it.
Love takes time, patience, honesty, understanding and acceptance. Not big cameras, flashy lights and budget the size of Google's advertising revenue.
Let me just say one thing - the only love you'll ever find that satisfy you in this cruel, psychotic world, is your own.
So turn off the TV and go find it.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful topic, I wonder wherever you came up with it....hmm... ;)
