Monday, January 11, 2010

Numero One.

Does anyone actually read these things? Will anyone ACTUALLY read mine?? Hmm...I guess time will tell.
I always knew this day would come to me sooner than most - my Mother's passing, that is. I tried to imagine how I would deal with it, and how others around me would react.
I certainly learned a great deal through this - I just hope I have closure and that I am truly at peace.
There was one thing about everything that really shocked me the most. The amount of friends and just overall concerned people who have come forward to show they care.
I mean...I'm in awe. I was always under the impression that I could count the amount of friends I have on one hand. I was wrong - I mean, even my distant ex-girlfriend messaged me and offered her ear if I need to talk.
Just one, though. Don't get too excited. The other 704 would rather listen to me choke on pretzels. I dunno why I chose pretzels.
But anyways, words cannot express my gratitude for the tremendous friends I have. I realize some are at a distance, but even to know that people are thinking of me and wishing me well is a nice glass of awesome. So if you're reading this and you've been good to me, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you.
The rest of you can get gonorrhea, fart blood and somehow die of mad cow disease.
If I had had any last wishes, it would've been to hear her say she was proud of me and she loves me one last time. Just once more.
In the grand scheme of things, losing her has helped me take a good look at myself. So shutting down for a while will give me the opportunity to start up again renewed and stronger.
Hopefully myself and the Maple Leafs can recover from a poopy start to 2010 and put together a few wins.

Okay fine bye.


  1. Welcome to the blog world, young grasshoppa.

    Excellent first post. And like I emailed to ya, I'm here if you need to vent about anything. I fully encourage you to send me an email that consists of 12 paragraphs filled with nothing but expletives and made-up words.


  2. It's probably just another drill...
